Evolution: Origin of Life

The theory of evolution is one of the most well-promoted narrative by the international establishment to explain for the origin, the diversity and complexity of life on Earth. Some of its premises are constructed on assumptions and hypothesis which is repeatedly tested to get required results. For other premises where no evidence is available, it is left to conjecture.

Once upon a time, billions of years ago... 


According to the theory of evolution, organic molecules and subsequent simple life forms first originated from inorganic substances on the primitive Earth about 4 billion years ago in a process called abiogenesis. 

Abiogenesis is the natural process of life arising from non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds. It is also known as the origin of life or biopoiesis. Scientists have proposed various hypotheses and experiments to explain how abiogenesis could have occurred on Earth or other planets. Some of the main challenges are to understand how the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids and nucleotides, were formed and assembled into complex molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, and how these molecules acquired the ability to replicate and evolve.

Origin of Life & Common Ancestor

The theory of evolution proposes that all living organisms on Earth share a common ancestry and have diversified over time through natural selection and other mechanisms. However, there is no evidence to support or prove it, yet it is vehemently professed in media and academia that all living organisms (plants and animals) share common ancestor. 

Living Matter & Non-Living Matter:

Living matter is not like non-living matter. In non-living matter, it is possible that parts can be manufactured independently at different places then assembled in some functional form like robot. However, it still does not exclude the indispensable role of a planner and executer. 

On the other hand, parts of living matter cannot be manufactured independently at different places and then assembled. Rather, all parts develop simultaneously in a specific environment to create a fully functional form. For example, body parts, both internal and external, like eyes, legs, nose, ears, fur, tail, intestine, lungs, heart, of a tiny mouse are developed simultaneously and are equipped with respiratory and digestive systems etc for a fully functional mouse. 

Components of Evolution: 

The theory of evolution states that all living organisms share a common ancestor and have evolved over time through natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation. 

Natural selection is the process by which organisms with traits that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce more than those with less favorable traits. Thus, well known cliche, “Survival of the fittest”.

Natural selection can lead to the adaptation of populations to changing conditions and the emergence of new species.

Genetic drift is the random change in allele (specific variation of a gene) frequencies in a population due to chance unusual events. 

Gene flow is the movement of genetic material between populations of the same species or between different species that can interbreed. Gene flow is the transfer of genetic material between populations due to migration or interbreeding. 

Mutation is the change in DNA sequence that can introduce new variation or alter existing traits. It is a change in the genetic material of an organism that can be inherited by its offspring. 


There is no concrete proof that how common ancestor originated but only uses epistemological circumlocution for their assertion. Fundamental Premises of theory of evolution require Life to Exist.

Whether the processes, of natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation, are precisely true or not requires comprehensive analysis yet these only happens once life has come into existence. So, it does not prove life originated from non-living matter.

Because of all these flaws, it is intellectual dishonesty to profess it as solid base for a truthful inquiry. 

Points to Ponder:

Can such complex fully functional and well-coordinated systems originate and sustain randomly?

Can fully functional life originate from non-like matter like metal, rock or sand?


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