
Earth: Structure - Layers

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only astronomical object known to harbor life . It has a diameter of about 12,742 km and orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150 million km . Earth's atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, and its surface is covered by 71% water . Earth has one natural satellite , the Moon , which influences its tides and seasons. Layers of Earth: Earth is composed of four main layers: the crust , the mantle , the outer core and the inner core .  Each layer has a different chemical composition and physical state . The crust is the thin outer layer of Earth, where we live. It is mostly made of silicate rocks, such as granite and basalt . It is divided into two types: continental and oceanic . The continental crust is thicker and less dense than the oceanic crust , which forms the floor of the oceans. The crust varies in thickness from about 5 km under the oceans to about 70 km under the continents . The crust makes up less tha

World of Quantum

  The world of quantum is an enthralling and mysterious realm, where the laws of traditional physics are often counterintuitive and paradoxical .  Life is beyond logic so is world of quantum. It is extraordinarily awe-inspiring and  baffling . The real power of tiny-teeny that jolted the world was experienced in US' dropping of Atomic Bomb in 1945. We daily experience the power of Quantum in man rendered operations like that of mobile phones, computers and toasters . Quantum is a term that refers to the smallest possible unit of any physical property , such as energy or matter. Quantum Mechanics studies the behavior of the smallest particles and forces in nature, such as atoms, electrons, photons, and gravity. Quantum mechanics reveals that the physical world is not deterministic, but rather probabilistic and uncertain . We will explore some of the fascinating phenomena that quantum mechanics reveals. Quantum phenomena include: The uncertainty principle Entanglement Phenomenon

Light: Visible & Invisible

When we look at the world around us, we see a dazzling array of colors, shapes and textures. But what we see is only a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum , the range of wavelengths that includes visible light, as well as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays. Most of the e lectromagnetic spectrum is invisible to our eyes , and some of it can even pass through solid objects . Invisible light is the w avelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum too short or too long to be detected by the human eye. Visible light is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes can detect. It consists of wavelengths from about 380 nanometers (nm) to about 740 nm.  The  percentage of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can see is about 0.0035 percent.  The colors that we perceive depend on the wavelength and intensity of the light. For example, red light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency than blue light, which has a shorter waveleng

Earth: Atmosphere

What is atmosphere? We will explore the definition, composition, structure, and functions of the atmosphere, and why it is so important for our planet. The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth and extends from the surface to the edge of space. It is composed of mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with traces of other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone, and methane. The atmosphere is not uniform, but varies in temperature, pressure, density, and chemical composition depending on the altitude and location. Atmosphere Vs Air Air is the mixture of gases that we breathe, mainly nitrogen and oxygen, with traces of other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Air is a subset of the atmosphere, the part that we directly interact with and that greatly impact life. The atmosphere is a broader term that includes air and other layers of gases that have various functions and characteristics. Layers of Atmosphere: The atmosphere can be divide

Light: Properties

The properties of light are the characteristics that define how light behaves and interacts with matter. Some of the important properties of light are : -  Reflection :  Reflection of light is the phenomenon where light bounces off a surface and changes direction.   -  Refraction :  Refraction of light is the phenomenon where light changes direction as it passes from one medium to another. This bending of light is caused by the change in speed of light as it moves from one medium to another 1. The amount of bending depends on the angle at which the light enters the new medium and the difference in the refractive indices of the two media -  Diffraction : Light  spreads  out when it encounters an obstacle or a slit that is comparable to its wavelength. Diffraction of light is a phenomenon where light waves bend around corners or obstacles and spread out, creating a pattern of bright and dark regions. When light waves encounter an obstacle, such as a slit or a small opening, they diffra

Natural Sources of Light

Natural sources of light are objects or   phenomena in nature that emit light . Some examples of natural sources of light are: The Sun , which is the primary natural light source for Earth. It emits light and heat through nuclear fusion. Sunlight not only provides us with the necessary light to see but also plays a vital role in our overall well-being.  Stars , which are like our Sun, but  due to the vast distances  involved,  only a small fraction of their light reaches the Earth . Nonetheless, stars provide a beautiful nighttime display and have fascinated humans for centuries. The moon , which is another natural light  source that reflects sunlight.  It provides a  secondary source of light  during the night, although its intensity is much lower than that of the Sun. The moon’s phases result from the varying angle at which sunlight hits its surface. Bioluminescence , which is the ability of some natural organisms to produce light through a process called bioluminescence.  Fireflies,

Nature of Light

We will explore the nature of light and how it can be described in different ways. Light As a  particle Light As a  wave Light As a  Particle & Wave Light As an  Electromagnetic Radiation  Light As a  Quantum Field Light As a Particle One way to think about light is as a  stream of tiny particles called photons . Photons are the smallest units of light, and they have no mass or charge.  Photons are emitted or absorbed by atoms when they change their energy levels. For example, when an electron jumps from a higher to a lower orbit around the nucleus of an atom, it releases a photon with a specific energy and wavelength. This is how atoms produce light. Light As a Wave: Yet other way to think about light is as a f orm of energy that travels in waves.  It consists of photons that  travel in a wave like pattern . It travels through space. Light has n o mass and is not really considered matter . Light travels in waves that  have different wavelengths and frequencies,  which determine it