Life: Problem of Evil
The question of evil stands as one of the most perplexing dilemmas confronting humanity, necessitating profound understanding and a comprehensive analysis bolstered by theological guidance. Theodicy, the discipline that seeks to justify the goodness of God in the face of evil, serves as a critical examination of this dilemma, positing various explanations for the coexistence of divinity and malevolence. Question of evil remains misunderstood due to a limited perspective on the attributes of God. Many proponents of the problem of evil focus exclusively on God’s Omnipotent, Omniscient, Most Benevolent, and Most Loving qualities. While these attributes are indeed central to religious tradition, such a selective emphasis neglects a more holistic understanding of the divine character, which includes attributes such as Justice, Wisdom, Vengeance, Redemption, and Accountability. Incapability of Atheism and Question of Evil The question of evil is primarily a theological dilemma that seeks to ...